Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Alphabet Design


Hand Painted Alphabet

For my final project before assessment my task was to design a typeface and a typographic poster to represent a word. We were given a list of words and I chose wild. I wanted to be really illustrative with this project and try to keep away from the computer to an extent. So I created this alphabet which I hand painted of all different elements of wild animals for each letter.

My alphabet is aimed at children, I think that it works well and it was nice to be able to paint and I really liked thinking about how the typeface could be used in context of a children's book etc.

I designed two 'a's because one is a juvenile 'a' which is how children write but now there is the option of the 'a' to see which would be more appropraite.

I wanted the poster to be quite simple, so that the main focus really was the letter forms. I decided to focus on writing the saying " The quick fox jumps over the lazy dog" because it had every letter of the alphabet in, so therefore you can see how the letters work together as a word or in a sentence. I also think this saying is really appropriate for the theme of my alphabet because when children learn to write in school, they quite often write this sentence.

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