Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Found some old things

As I was sorting through my room I found some old drawings and paintings I did a few years back - from ALevel I think


I miss Tess. Best dog in the world....even though she never really did get the concept of fetch.

Going back a couple of years.

These were some photographs that I took and self developed back in college. I loved these photographs becasue they show the charisma of my good old friend Mitch.

My favourite photo is the top one of Mitch laughing because it was a natural, unintentional shot that I think works well.

Day to day photo

Saw the flower. Liked it. Took a picture of it.

Thursday, 9 June 2011

Bon Voyage!

I made these cupcakes for my friend Tor who is leaving for two months to go travelling round Asia.

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Alphabet Design


Hand Painted Alphabet

For my final project before assessment my task was to design a typeface and a typographic poster to represent a word. We were given a list of words and I chose wild. I wanted to be really illustrative with this project and try to keep away from the computer to an extent. So I created this alphabet which I hand painted of all different elements of wild animals for each letter.

My alphabet is aimed at children, I think that it works well and it was nice to be able to paint and I really liked thinking about how the typeface could be used in context of a children's book etc.

I designed two 'a's because one is a juvenile 'a' which is how children write but now there is the option of the 'a' to see which would be more appropraite.

I wanted the poster to be quite simple, so that the main focus really was the letter forms. I decided to focus on writing the saying " The quick fox jumps over the lazy dog" because it had every letter of the alphabet in, so therefore you can see how the letters work together as a word or in a sentence. I also think this saying is really appropriate for the theme of my alphabet because when children learn to write in school, they quite often write this sentence.

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Work Experience

Ok, so over my easter holiday away from uni, I got the chance to spend a couple of days working in the studio with The Hidden Dingbat Collective. I helped out on a children's book that they are currently working on, mainly doing some art work bits, to help speed up the process. I had a really good experience working in a real design environment, meeting and speaking to other people in the industry. I would like to thank the Dingbat's for having me and letting me help out.

Thursday, 7 April 2011

Alternative Pub Sign

For this project my task was to create a pub sign that was lateral not literal, so in other words it couldn't be like normal pub signs where its called The Ram and then a lovely painting of a ram on it.

So I chose The Red Lion and decided to think about its main and how people say to you your hair looks  bit wild like a main, which I tend to get quite a lot so thats what triggered this idea. So I took this photography focusing on the hair and showing no idenity of the person.

I had tried putting a red tint over the hair, but I felt it looked too forced and the black and white photograph had better contrast with the banner at the bottom. I think the typeface works quite well.

I am reasonably pleased with how the sign has turned out, I think its a good photograph and works well, I chose this position for the model because I felt it showed the pride of the lion.

As I finished the project earlier than the deadline my tutor wanted me to do another pub sign as well with another one of my ideas that he liked as well. So that is on its way.

Wednesday, 6 April 2011


This was google's header the other week. I just like it's simpicity of colours, so I thought I'd put it up :)