Thursday, 24 February 2011

Live Project Posters

Generic Poster

These are the seven posters that myself and my two team members created to promote the MA courses at my univeristy. They still need editing and better photographs but this is the concept.

The idea is that its opening a door into the future, because these are being aimed at potential students. For the generic poster, advertising all of the courses, is the set of keys colour coded to unlock the doors for the courses on the individual posters. The key also is made up of the N from the NUCA logo.

The 6 individual posters have photographs of the facilities for each subject. This is just to show the idea and combination of illlustration and photography. Really the photos need to haev more perspective and be more dynamic. But I think these illustrate the idea well and show how they work as a set of posters.

Overall, we have been really pleased with how the posters have ended up and have worked really well as a team :)

Sunday, 20 February 2011

Book Cover Project

 Mid to Late 19th Century



For this project we had to design covers for a series of books called Short and Sweet. I had to design a logo, the cover and use typography to represent the era of the book. I wanted the series to look like a set so I choose to have the same style throught the designs but change the typefaces on the front cover to suit. I also chose different patterns for the boarders that fitted with the era of the books. I wanted to colours to be quite strong but also sophisticated, so I chose these musty dark tones.

I really enjoyed this project and I am pleased with how my book covers ended up, there were several different versions before the final ones.

Sunday, 13 February 2011

A Conversation With David Pearson

For my contextual studies report I am writing about book cover design, focusing on Penguin Books and how technology such as the Kindle and Ipad are affecting the publishing industry. David Pearson a designer who has worked with Penguin. He has designed a number of their covers, such as the Penguin By Design book, which I have shown previously in my blog.

David recently gave a lecture at my uni and I took the opportunity to contact him by phone after the lecture, to give him a short interview about his thoughts and opinions on what the future of books will be, and how the Kindle etc will effect book cover design. David gave some really interesting and in depth answers, which really helped me with my report and got me thinking about what the future of books will be. I really appreciated his time and he was a really nice and chatty character.

Golf Book

 Golf Club Competition Book Cover

My mum asked me to design a cover for an A4 book for her golf club for people to sign in. My mum wanted the cover to be simple just to cover up the plain cover of the note book. I didn't have much time as it was a bit late notice and I had other work to be doing. So I came up with this, the green words in Gill Sans are all different golf terms and the title on its side is in Baskerville Old Face. I didn't want to do the whole book in green because I felt it would be too obvious so I chose to make the dominant colour dark grey to contrast witht the green type, spine and end folds.

Thursday, 3 February 2011

Live Project

Today I got offered to be 1 of 12 people from my course to take part in a live biref. The brief is to design posters to advertise the MA courses at Norwich University College of the Arts. So excited :)

Wednesday, 2 February 2011