Generic Poster
These are the seven posters that myself and my two team members created to promote the MA courses at my univeristy. They still need editing and better photographs but this is the concept.
The idea is that its opening a door into the future, because these are being aimed at potential students. For the generic poster, advertising all of the courses, is the set of keys colour coded to unlock the doors for the courses on the individual posters. The key also is made up of the N from the NUCA logo.
The 6 individual posters have photographs of the facilities for each subject. This is just to show the idea and combination of illlustration and photography. Really the photos need to haev more perspective and be more dynamic. But I think these illustrate the idea well and show how they work as a set of posters.
Overall, we have been really pleased with how the posters have ended up and have worked really well as a team :)