Friday, 28 January 2011


 "Just My Type" by Simon Garfield

"What is Typography" by David Jury

These books are currently my two most influential reads. I have never been a good reader and its very rare for me to be drawn into a book as it seems to take me about a year to read one, and it most definitely not my stong point.  However,  these books hold my interest, you just learn more and more from them and they are feeding my passion for typography.

Stationary Design

Buisness Card (left - font, right - back)

Letter Head

For this project I had to choose an association or society (could be made up) and design a letter head, business card and compliment slip. I decided to make up the Enigmatic Society and used the theme of representing an enigma/mystery with question marks. I created stencils and set up lights to create shadows of the question marks as my logos for the society. The compliment slip is still not quite finished and I also want to make an envelope for the letter but here is the business card and letter head. (The back of the buisness card looks black on the screen but its actually dark green)

As well as the theme of question marks and shadows I also wanted to use the type in an enigmatic way by placing it in unconventional places on the letter etc, so that the member of the society would have to move the paper around to read it and ask themselves why the text was out of place. The images shown are just on bright white backgrounds, but I am planning to print them on off white paper to compliment the green tones better.

I am reasonably pleased with how the project turned out. However, I feel I could have executed it better than I have, but I think I have represented the society quite well and I got the chance to be quite creative by making stencils, photography and playing around with lighting.

Thursday, 20 January 2011


"A Brief Introduction to Typography" Booklet

"An Exaltation of Larks" Booklet

These two spreads are taken from my assessment portfolio from last term, showing two different booklets I designed. The images aren't brilliant quality and the smaller text is hard to see but you get the main gist.

The first booklet is a brief introduction to typography.

The second booklet is called "An Exaltation of Larks" which was based on how to use expressive type.

Thursday, 13 January 2011

Jamie Oliver

A2 Poster
(hard to see text on this small scale)


Hand Painted Typograhic Identity

For my first project of term two my task was to create a typographic identity for Jamie Oliver, as well as an invitation and poster for his show. I created my typographic identity by hand painting these letters to make them look like fruit and veg - relating to his healthy eating campaign. On the invitation there is Oliver handwritten underneath the identity, but the main part is what is shown. For the poster i took the top of the carrot (j) and enlarged it to fit on an A2 poster, and used the space around the illustration for the text.

Saturday, 1 January 2011

Quotes poster

Quotation poster

This is a project that I did last year where I had to design a poster based around a quote. I chose the quote "Coffee isn't my cup of tea". I had many different ideas and stages in creating this poster and this is what I ended up with, its not as illustrative as I would have initially liked it to be but I decided to focus more on the type and how to incorporate with my photograph. It is an A2 poster, but the type is probably quite hard to read as a small scale on the screen.

New Years Eve

These are the cupcakes I made and decorated for a new years eve party :)